
Helpful Steps to Applying for an H-1B Visa

The H1B Visa is a difficult opportunity for international citizens to work in the United States without a Green Card. There are entire divisions in companies like the Audu Law Firm dedicated to helping applicants through the program. The process can be unnerving, therefore let us go over the necessary information and steps to apply for a H1B Visa.


Each year, the U.S provides a cap for applicants, usually set at 65,000 applicants. In addition to that, 20,000 visas are given to any other people applying. Yearly applications easily exceed that number (85,000). This is why people enter what many call the Lottery Process. Each applicant will receive a number which is used for a computer-generated algorithm to randomly select a number. If you do hold a master’s degree or higher, you do have a slight chance advantage, but as in real lottery, nothing is certain.


Numbers aside, your primary goal is getting your application sent in the first place. First, you need confirm if you fit the requirements for the visa. The requirement consists of verifying that you are sufficiently educated and/or experienced in your specified profession. This could be proven by a variety of methods, such as having a bachelor’s degree or higher in your particular field. Foreign degrees and relevant experience also work as equivalents.

Once that is established, you can begin your search for H1B sponsors, or rather, companies that are accepting H1B applicants. You can find H1B sponsorships on most popular online job boards. There are outlets that will charge you to handle your resume in hopes of increasing your chance of callbacks.


Now that you’re on the hunt, what type of jobs should be looking for? Aside from jobs adhering to your specialty, the job must be considered a “professional” workplace. This is investigated by U.S. Immigration services regarding the tasks you complete, your prevailing wages, degree requirements, and so on. It’s imperative that this job you’re applying for require specialized skills. The good news is that these can cover a large variety of career paths, ranging from an artist or journalist to a lawyer or scientist.


Once you’ve applied and interviewed with your chosen sponsor, you will begin collecting all your relevant documents for your attorney. Don’t forget to file for the Labor Condition Application, as you must file this before applying for the H1B Visa.

The submission window is 7 days, thus highlighting the importance of having all files gathered before this session begins. You can refer to the last fiscal year’s process schedule here; it will benefit you to know your integral dates.


Once your sponsor has submitted everything, you’ve done your part. From here on out, it’s all up to the government and its processes to provide you with an answer. Unfortunately, there isn’t a determined time frame for the wait. It could take months before you receive the verdict. It is important to know that thousands of those who applied in Michigan were not granted the visa. If you receive the “declined letter,” keep in mind that there’s always next year. You are free to take new steps in your next attempt like contacting immigration lawyers like our friends at Rathi & Associates. The opportunity is still there and there are plenty of ways to make sure your applications stands a better chance at acceptance.

If you are facing family law challenges, then the dedicated Sugar Land family law attorney at Audu Law Firm is ready to hear from you. Attorney Lilian Audu has committed her firm to providing compassionate and thorough family law and divorce counsel for individuals, couples, and entire families in need. Her communicative, client-centric approach means clients can rest assured that their counsel will proceed in a way that speaks to their every concern.

You do not have to face this difficult time without a dedicated advocate. Contact the Audu Law Firm today for an initial case evaluation.